- It is helpful if you find time to fill out my consent and health history forms. I shall email them to you.
- You can email me any questions you might have or make a list to ask me when I visit you. You are welcome to ask me questions for free for 2 weeks after my visit.
- Try not to feed your baby within an hour before our visit, but please do not withhold feeding if baby is hungry and crying.
- Expect me to be with you in the room where you spend the most time nursing. Please don’t put effort into cleaning your house as I would probably advise you to let the household chores go and spend more time with your baby.
- Partners, spouses, grandparents or any other supportive loved ones are welcome to join the consultation.
- I shall wash my hands before I touch you or your baby.
- We shall discuss your and your baby’s health history, challenges and concerns. (Unless baby is ready to eat the minute I walk in.)
- I shall weigh your baby, take her/his temperature, your temperature and blood pressure if needed. I shall examine your baby including her oral cavity and also your breasts if indicated. Examining your nipples before and after nursing is often a good indicator of what is happening inside the baby’s mouth while he/she is nursing.
- I shall ask you to breastfeed your baby so that I can observe your baby’s suck. I shall try to be physically as hands-off as possible and ask permission before touching you or your baby.
- I shall ask you regarding pain, comfort and how you are feeling. Do not hesitate to tell me if you feel uncomfortable. It is important that you tell me so that we can come up with a plan that best supports your breastfeeding relationship and goals.
- I cannot promise that your medical aid will reimburse the cost of my consultation, but I shall email an invoice to you within 24 hours after our consultation for you to submit to your medical aid.
- You can contact me via phone, message or email for advice relating to your care plan for 14 days after your consultation. This is free of charge. If any new problems arise I cannot give advice without seeing you and the baby.
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